shop Krv Kurva

Created in 2003, Krv Kurva is art directed by Jorge Moita, facing an eclectic creative team. Krv Kurva is intrinsically linked with the both the fashion and design industry, promoting an ethos of design and beauty. Krv Kurva acts and reacts for an eclectic and diverse client base: from public institutions to friends; from international "thinkers" to the movers and shakers of the fashion world.


-30% AG04-08


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This blog is sharing trojans... nice...

Anonymous said...

Where can i buy this bags? I went to the krvkurva website and didn't find the store

Inex said...

Boa tarde
Onde posso encontrar estas malas?

keyword search Krv Kurva

Created in 2003, Krv Kurva is art directed by Jorge Moita, facing an eclectic creative team. Krv Kurva is intrinsically linked with the both the fashion and design industry, promoting an ethos of design and beauty. Krv Kurva acts and reacts for an eclectic and diverse client base: from public institutions to friends; from international "thinkers" to the movers and shakers of the fashion world.